Saturday, 16 October 2010

Serbian Boy Wakes Up Speaking English

Serbian Boy, 11 Wakes Up Speaking English

Some parents have a hard time understanding their kids, but for the parents of Dimitrije Mitrovic in Nis, Serbia, this problem has taken on an odd and inexplicable dimension. When he was only 3 years ols, little Dimitrie woke up speaking perfect English. No one knew where the little boy picked up his English. Although Dimitrie’s mother had some knowledge of English,she soon needed a translator to understand what her son was saying. Now at the age of 11, Dimitri’s family and friends no longer understand him.
There are many levels of language proficiency, and Dimitrie Mitrovic’s English is on a high level, in both written and spoken forms. The Croatian Times reports as follows on the mysterious abilities of Dimitri Mitrovic.
“By the time he was five, Dimitrije was reciting entire Harry Potter novels to his pals in English and now he rarely speaks his mother tongue unless he has to.
“I dream in English, speak it, and if stub my toe I’ll curse in English too,” he said.”
Experts fumble for a way to classify and understand Mitrovic’s interesting ability, describing it as “autistic” in nature. Despite such a diagnosis, Mitrovic’s mom, Dragana describes her son as a nice, normal kid who “just seems to think he’s English.”
Professors of English in Dimitrie’s home town of Nis are awed and perplexed by the little boy’s proficiency in English, noting that “We have talked to him for an hour in English and he speaks the language better than we do, like he was born speaking it.”
Read The Full Story: Serbian Boy,11 Wakes Up Speaking English – Indyposted 


  1. woow.a lot of people which to speak in english and can`t.he woke up one day speaking`s awesome! it is better that waking up speaking another language,but english is something very important and useful,so that is the least of is his problems.the only unpleasant situacion is that he can`t speak his mother language. except that it`s a gift and a plus to his future.

  2. Yes, isn't it weird? Maybe they watched a lot of TV at his house and he just picked up the language. It reminds me of a horror movie where a girl started speaking a strange language (maybe latin?), but that might be demonic possession!!

  3. yes it is a little bit weird but it`s partly the fault of his parents because if they had spoke a lot of Serbian to him and had been concerned about his education as a person he probably would speak`s my point of view
