The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), the organization that represents the four major record labels, was pleased by the most recent decision, even if it has no intention to collect the $1.5 million from Thomas-Rasset. "Now with three jury decisions behind us along with a clear affirmation of Ms. Thomas-Rasset's willful liability, it is our hope that she finally accepts responsibility for her actions," the RIAA said in a statement. Earlier this year, the RIAA offered Thomas-Rasset the opportunity to end the legal battle for $25,000 and an admission of guilt; Thomas-Rasset declined.
Still, Thomas-Rasset and her legal team are already making plans to appeal, setting the stage for a fourth trial. "The fight continues," promised Thomas-Rasset's lawyer Kiwi Camara. Even if Thomas-Rasset were to win the next trial, the RIAA would likely appeal that decision to ensure that copyright infringement without penalization won't happen. This story has the potential to drag on well into the next decade -- when for $1.5 million, all of Thomas-Rasset's four kids could finish law school and take up the fight on her behalf.Burying a Midwestern mom in insurmountable debt isn't the best publicity move, so rather than argue the labels are entitled to the cash, the RIAA has sought to make this trial into a cautionary tale for anyone considering illegally downloading music -- a reminder that there are penalties. But as the constantly declining weekly Nielsen SoundScan sales figures demonstrate, nothing seems to have deterred music fans from stealing rather than purchasing songs and albums. And in a digital world now dominated by Bit Torrent and Rapidshare, a trial over a music-sharing dinosaur like Kazaa seems nothing but antiquated.
this is outrages!!!! i agree that it´s wrong to do illegal downloading but a person can´t pay $1.5 Million Fine for Downloading 24´s something that nobody thinks when they are downloading because it impossible.the persons responsible are the websites and program that make people downloading. is almost as if we ask: - Do you want to pay to get the musics that you like or do you want it for free? please, everyone will chose the last option!!!! she should appeal as many times as necessary !!
ReplyDeleteYou might as well steal CDs from shops. If you get caught, the fine is cheaper!!
ReplyDeleteFrom my point of view, the staggering value of the fine is due to the fact that Jammie uploaded the songs. In other words, how many people may have downloaded it?
ReplyDeleteOf course she was also fined because she downloaded songs illegally, however, the court might have set such big amount of money, as a measure to both warn and startle people so they won't do it again.
i understand the point of view of rodrigo,but why this poor lady is going to pay for something that we all do!!! stop the websites that support illegal downloading!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat puzzles me, though, is why this woman, of all the million people who do illegal downloads?
ReplyDeleteperhaps she's into music, and doesn't like having to drive all the way to the store and pay for the hole CD, when she's only going to hear one or two songs